
My Dad's a DJ, Episode 1: Bringing Sexy Back

So my dad is a DJ in Denver. Every time he sees a celebrity, I am never with him (except that time he played softball with Meatloaf) and with the station he's working for now, it's more than usually someone whose music I hate.

This first one though is one I like:

This is my dad with Justin Timberlake. I know this because he has typed it in the right-hand corner of the picture.

With Justin's hand, which is as big as his face, he's pointing at my dad as if to say "This guy? This guy is the shit. I'm not kidding. Think I'm kidding? Do you see my boyish smile when I say this? No? Exactly. The shit, yo." My dad is slightly turned into Justin, big ol' smile on his face as if to say "HURRR I'M WITH JUBSTIN TIMBERLOCKS WHAT A HAPPY BOY AM I!"

Either that or he's totally copping a feel, his hand resting under the butt, close to Justin's taint, with only designer jeans and maybe underwear in-between...

Whoa, I just blacked out for a moment. Did I just type that? Shaaaame on me for even thinking that! Sorry, Dad.

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